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Conscientia - Caeruleo_edited.jpg


Watercolor on Canvas

awareness - from Latin conscientia - Being aware; cognition, consciousness:  have self-awareness;  act with full awareness


In psychology, the term consciousness means the ability to be aware of what is perceived and of one's own behavioral responses. It is a cognitive process distinct from sensation and perception.


And it is precisely this sensory and personal experience that is highlighted in this series of paintings, where a girl is shown intent on knowing and accepting herself in order to arrive at a more conscious female identity.


Femininity is not just a aesthetic discourse: feminine is not mere embellishment, but it means communicating with oneself and with the impression we have of us, with the most visceral sensations up to our most deep essence. But this does not always happen without difficulty. In this awakening of femininity, in fact, the woman often faces feelings of guilt, shame, and all the inhibitions that arise from the attempt to repress herself to adapt to the canons of a society to which she does not feel she belongs to. 


Self-awareness therefore turns out to be a long and tiring process, long even a lifetime, which passes through continuous new interpretations of one's interiority, and through thousand personal facets, expressed in the paintings through the different colors used.


An experience that will prove to be necessary, however, because it will lead to recognizing one's emotions, respecting one's feelings; and will help to finally reaching an inner richness, also released in the works by means of gold leaf.

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